What do you Get When you Buy Cloud Web Hosting?

Cloud Web Hosting

You have a website, or you want to have one, a place where your clients can go when they are interested in buying or consuming what you have to offer – a product, a service, contents. Have you ever thought about where this website is hosted? What happens when you and your users use a browser to navigate to this website? The internet is indeed digital and virtual for most people, but the infinite number of websites online are stored on some technological infrastructure, mainly in the “cloud.” 

If you are starting to set up your website, wonder about the best possible solution to host it if you want to transfer your website to an efficient, high-quality, advanced hosting solution. If you are looking for a good website hosting infrastructure that grants you security and does not want to maintain your physical server. If you search for a solution that adapts itself to your website’s needs in real-time, this guide is for you to understand what you get when you buy website cloud web hosting. 

Sorting Things Out – Understanding What Buy Cloud Hosting Means  

When talking about Buy Cloud Web Hosting, there is a wide variety of options today. The solution of hosting your site on a physically situated server at your business nearly does not exist today. Because it is technologically complex, far less cost-efficient, and requires resources lacking from most companies – and there are far more efficient solutions. Most websites are hosted on website hosting companies, on various hosting servers. 

Not any hosting solution on a distant server is cloud hosting! This is a somewhat confusing but important difference. There are various website hosting models, starting from the cheap solution of shared hosting, a virtual private server (aka, VPS). Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and it fits certain types of websites. 

 When we talk about website cloud hosting, we mean a slightly different solution, a more inclusive one, which meets your need, requirements, and demands more efficiently. These are such plans of website cloud hosting, including a complete, convenient interface. 

 When you buy cloud hosting, you enjoy all of the worlds: the lower costs of website cloud hosting, greater control over your server environment, and other advantages. That is allowed only by cloud hosting – mainly through managing the hosting service offered to you in plans and the possibility of personalizing the service to your digital business’s changing needs. 

 Website cloud hosting means storing the website on a complex infrastructure that includes many servers. This way, each website and application that runs on such hosting infrastructure can use these servers’ resources. Your website is not located on a server/computer among many other websites (which leads to limited processing power!) But it is one of the hundreds sitting on an enormous infrastructure, with great capacity and processing power, with a virtual separation that creates a unique server for you. 

Cloud Hosting with Independent Management or Managed by Others?

When purchasing a hosting package, you should consider choosing a cloud hosting service model. 

For instance, you can purchase a cloud hosting package through one of the largest cloud hosting companies (Amazon, Google, or DigitalOcean). Still, you have to manage your server – and this isn’t very easy and requires specific technological know-how of one of your in-house or outsourced employees, who will surely increase your costs. 

The other option – which is more popular and effective for most businesses and website holders – is a managed service for cloud hosting using the excellent and proven platform, Cloudways. In this model, you enjoy all of the technological, operational, and economic benefits of storing your website in an advanced and reliable cloud infrastructure. With a wide variety of management services bound to ease your lives without employing or outsourcing additional tech-savvy personnel that maintains and operates the virtual hosting server for you and significantly increases your hosting expenses.  

Characteristics and Services You Get for a Managed Suite of Cloud Hosting

  • Full support for all website hosting aspects – 24/7/365 
  • Designated processing and computerization resources for your website – with an excellent ability to match your changing needs. 
  • Personalized caring for a wide variety of needs, configurations, and application installs on your server. 
  • Automatic and efficient correction of malfunctions in the server is constant and excellent online compared to the alternatives. 
  • Complete support for all of the standard technologies and development environments. 
  • A variety of advanced managed solutions for information security, cybersecurity, and protecting your website and its data. 
  • Easy backups and restorations using a user-friendly interface – backing the entire site in one click! 
  • Easy and free relocation of an existing website to Cloudways’ managed hosting solution. 
  • A great variety of additional abilities, properties, and managed hosting services – the complete high-quality package for website cloud hosting! 

Not all hosting solutions were created equal, and not all of them provide you with the same services and options. Cloudways managed hosting model, high-quality cloud infrastructure, allows you to truly enjoy the best of all the worlds and get the most value for your money. On EasyCloud, we offer you all the information and support you require, in Hebrew, to know what is best for you and what suits you the most, thus helping you improve your website’s technological infrastructure in a way that makes you leap forward.  


Or Fialkov, 37, founder and CEO of Fialkov Digital, an expert in
digital marketing, gives workshops and lectures about marketing using advanced tools for companies and individuals. Owners of EasyCloud, WordPress hosting, a company that brings cloud hosting to everyone, using a convenient infrastructure, maximal website security, and an excellent price from the world’s best cloud hosting companies. 

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